JuneJuly is Kyle Hovenkotter and Jake Matatyaou, a design studio based in Brooklyn, NY and Los Angeles, CA. JuneJuly stages experiences (spaces, installations, things, ideas) that go beyond what’s seen, to produce effects that must be heard, felt, tasted, and lived.
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Highbridge Media Lab

Highbridge Media Lab

An educational nonprofit facility in The Bronx for teaching digital literacy and new media arts. Modular superfurniture and a floor graphic enable students and teachers to rapidly reconfigure their space, inventing new furniture layouts on the fly. The floor graphic, a series of overlaid lines and grids, takes its inspiration from autonomous warehouses, where spatial relationships between bodies and things are organized by evolving internal criteria, instead of being dictated on day 0. 2016-Ongoing.


A series of grids and lines drawn on the floor, inspired by markings on the floor of autonomous warehouses followed by sorting robots, enables users of the space to invent new furniture layouts over time, allowing the way the space is used to evolve with the institution.

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