JuneJuly is Kyle Hovenkotter and Jake Matatyaou, a design studio based in Brooklyn, NY and Los Angeles, CA. JuneJuly stages experiences (spaces, installations, things, ideas) that go beyond what’s seen, to produce effects that must be heard, felt, tasted, and lived.
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Shared Sounds

Published in the online journal Offramp, Shared Sounds visualizes field recordings of commutes on various modes of transit as color and light, producing four abstract films that call into question common preconceptions (and misconceptions) about crowds and the public. The project is part of our ongoing series of Listening projects which aim to correct/redress the privileging of vision over other modes/aspects of embodied sensation by staging experiences beyond what’s seen, to produce effects that must be heard, felt, tasted, and lived. May 2018. Read, watch, and listen in Offramp


Nature's Destructive Character

A review of Eric Kahn and Russell Thomsen’s proposal “Thinking the Future of Auschwitz” hat argue gains ur culture of commemoration's obsession wit uthenticit, dentity, preservation, and the ethical imperative of "never forget". In an effort to pluralize meanin nd return the labor of memory back to the thinking, feeling, and judging spectator, ah nd Thomsen foreground a mode of historical transmission in which the meaning of a vent changes as it is received by the inheritors of a tradition who bring to it their own life experiences.Read in The Avery Review


Choose Your Own Catastrophe

An interactive history and speculative future of failed urbanisms. Ongoing crises of globalization and their subsequent effects are explored as potential strategies for design and development in order to ask what constitutes failure, concept or circumstance? With Trevor Lamphier Read and play in ARPA Journal 01

Neither Seen Nor Heard

Sound walls are everywhere, yet we tend not to notice them. Indifferent to our attention, they are –  by design – aesthetically mute. Read in Avery Shorts

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Site of Entanglement

What are the sites that architecture must navigate today? How can these sites speak not only about contemporary architectural production but also of the wider socio-political relations that underpin it? This syllabus examines a set of sites through which architecture can be questioned not only as an object to observe or an interior to inhabit, but as both a vehicle for and a product of complex global forces.. With Ivonne Santoyo-Orozco and Jeremy Lecomte Read in eflux architecture

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